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Defend Public Care

Universal. Public. Forever.

Universal, public healthcare is an integral and cherished part of the Canadian identity. It speaks to who we are at our best: compassionate, effective, and cooperative. 

But in Ontario, our healthcare system is under strain, and under attack.


Years of underinvestment left Ontario ill prepared for the onslaught of COVID-19. At the same time, Ford's PCs drove nurses out of the field with pay caps and neglect, while abandoning any effort to control the spread of the virus - leaving healthcare workers burned out

It's privatization 101 - set the system up for failure, then auction off the pieces so private companies can start ratcheting up prices to drive more profit.

But for-profit healthcare is a discredited and obsolete idea: it costs more, delivers less, and opens the door to two-tier care where the wealthy get treatment and the rest get to suffer.

This is our line in the sand: nobody should ever have to pay to access medical care in Ontario. Not one cent.

Doug Ford has picked the wrong fight. Scroll down to read our plan to work with a coalition of allies, put a halt to further for-profit care delivery, and instead build momentum for a real solution: expanding our public, universal healthcare system with substantive new investments, creative new ideas, and unmatched public support. And stay tuned: we're officially kicking #NotOneCent off on September 14th.

The Overview


Forge a united coalition with aligned organizations and advocates


Rebuild and expand our amplification machine to seize the narrative


Deliver sustained and concerted public pressure on key PC MPPs

The Details:

  • United we stand. First, we are mobilizing our volunteers to connect with healthcare workers, unions, advocacy organizations, patients groups, and the huge number of public organizations that support universal public healthcare. Together, we'll put forward a united front representing the overwhelming public support for preserving and expanding our public healthcare system.

  • Seize the narrative. During the election, we built a grassroots network of creatives, influencers, and supporters. Our volunteers delivered some of the hardest hitting content of the cycle, and our innovative amplification network was able to secure tremendous reach in a matter of weeks. Now, we'll bring those skills and tools back in action to dominate the online space, undercut Ford's slick message machine, and rally the public to resist Ford's discredited ideology of privatization, instead demanding bold new expansions to the proven and cherished public care model, and supports for the essential workers who keep us healthy.

  • Make them feel it. While we win the air war, we'll also work with our allies to deliver sustained and concerted pressure on key PC MPPs, organizing and mobilizing their constituents to demand real solutions to the crisis that Ford has allowed to fester and is now trying to capitalize on. And we'll help expose the web of corruption that fuels privatization through lobbying and backroom dealmaking.

Here's How

Contact Us

Email us: info AT NotOneSeat DOT ca

Or find us on social media:

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  • YouTube

This is a grassroots, 100% volunteer-led organization

This is a 100% volunteer campaign, and all messaging is 100% organic - not paid. Not One Seat is committed to fair and just democracy, and is compliant with all relevant Elections Ontario regulations.

© 2022 Not One Seat

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